Last Hope University

A prodigious university hospital located within Bahlsmore that helps service the greater Dominus Columbia area. Last Hope is an institution created by the Founders of the Bailey and the corner stones were laid upon some pre-fall ruins in the year 19 DC. The university boasts some of the best doctors in the entire wasteland and facilitates teaching new recruits as well as researching new medicines and procedures. Commonly professors take small groups of students into the field for both research and medical support of Dominus Columbia, they sometimes set up temporary hospitals and if deemed necessary will set up permanent satellite hospitals in larger settlements. While researching in the field professors may need to hold Clinical Trials for whatever it is they are researching and commonly locate willing subjects to be paid for testing.

The university is run by Chancellor Chevalier, who can commonly be seen haunting either the campus's gardens or libraries at all hours of the night. Chevalier has a keen eye for talent and actively seeks out new students, professors and researchers for the school. The Chancellor holds the school to the highest ethical and scientific research standards and considers those who treat science and advancement with a cavalier attitude with disdain.

Each year the university hosts a science fair open to any individual, with prizes and even scholarships going to the most innovative and clever inventions and research. Prospective students and clever individuals flock from all over the wastes to display their works of wonder to the public, many finding new patrons and supporters in the process.


The Quad

A central courtyard between the Engineering, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Medical colleges that features a gigantic tree of indeterminant species that is rumored to have been around since before The Fall. Many of the students take their lunches and breaks in the area around the tree and find themselves relaxed and refreshed after a stressful day learning the secrets of the universe. Some students have claimed that the tree has answered their questions and whispered encouragement to them before exams. Other students have even claimed the tree helped them study. The Quad hosts a small memorial garden full of statuary and stone monuments for those who have passed from the world but left a light behind in it. Many students find this to be a peaceful place to meditate and commune.


College of Engineering

The College of Engineering is where the most visible of advances are generally made. Not content to work solely with mathematical or the theoretical students of the college pride themselves in great works throughout the wastes. Chances are if your settlement has acquired a hydroelectric power plant, a sanitary sewer and water system or steam powered stone drilling rig it was invented in the College of Engineering. Students of the college are of the most eclectic bunch and ranged from wasteland scabber scientists to great civil engineers. Dean Edison runs the engineering college with a Yorker flare and feels that if something doesn't fit quite right bashing it with a hammer and yelling at it works just fine.


College of Philosophy

Seen by most as stuffy and pretentious the College of Philosophy seems to be largely predicated on the study of pre-fall forms of understanding the underpinnings of the world. Poetry, music, language and history are all taught within the walls. Within the college are smaller schools that teach practical skills such as Hunting, Fishing and Agriculture. Most of the students seem to agree that the College of Philosophy was a place to toss students who didn't fit into the other colleges but still had valuable skills. Dean Nolan, a Baywalker musician runs the college and sees each of their students as a point of light in the darkness.


College of Chemistry

The Culinary and Brewing programs of the college are top notch. Many of the refreshing and healing brews used throughout the wastes found their start among research programs started in these very laboratories. The college features a large scale brewery and distilling building that is in almost constant use for research and production purposes. Any student interested in cooking may attend classes in one of the many well stocked kitchens and find eager taste testers among their fellows. Professor Folger , a Semper Mort professional chef is the current Dean of the college and is always ready to try new things.


College of Medical Arts

The medical arts program of the university has saved more lives throughout the wastelands than perhaps any other after the fall. Many famous doctors have graduated from these hallowed halls and the research staff has invented many of the live saving technologies now in common use. All styles of medical treatment are welcome as the Dean feels that nothing that save lives should be ignored just because it is messy. The Lascarian Dean Perkins runs the college and is always ready to listen to the outlandish suggestions of the student body for some new way to treat illness. Clinical trials for new drugs and processes are always available for those looking to make some cred.


College of Law

The College of Law was one of the first schools that the university established once the Balhsmore area was pacified and reclaimed from the undead, raiders and hostile tribes. A system of laws and punishments was, then as is now, as a necessity to a functioning civilized society. To practice law within the Bailey one must have a degree from this most prestigious school. Any student that can afford the tuition is welcome and grants and scholarships are available from the local and regional governments. The Dean of the college, an International named Captain Janus Peppier, LLD was a one eyed airship Captain during the three year horde. Peppier has since retired from airfaring to take up the quiet life of teaching the next generation the nature, philosophy and practice of law within Dominus Columbia.


College of War

The College of War was established during the height of the Iron Harbor War. Many politicos around the Bailey were pushing either towards joining in the fighting or staying out but most of the Senate agreed that whichever way the wind blew the Bailey needed to be able to defend itself. The College of War was created as an extension of the Anna Polis Naval College, focusing on a broader range of types of fighting as opposed to just naval battles. The former Warship Captain Dean Northrop is the Dean of the college and is always on the lookout for up and coming students.

Research, Medical
Controlled Territories

Mutually-Beneficial Arrangement

Luckheed is one of the largest customers of Last Hope's R&D and Products, and one of the largets suppliers Last Hope has of Customers in other areas!

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