White Haven Asylum

Perched on a grassy hill overlooking a tamed forest of old-growth trees, the founding of White Haven Asylum actually predates the construction of Ellistown Landing by over a decade. Now, Ellistown Landing represents the closest settlement to the Asylums electrically-fenced perimeter. Originally part of the Last Hope University medical college, the grounds were built directly on top of a natural Morgue to allow students to study the Mortis Amaranthine close up. The Main Building itself is modelled after pre-fall structures of similar purpose - a walled and gated structure that seems more castle than hospital.   After the Three Year Horde, the campus was repurposed to give strains that had lost themselves to Fracture, incurable Bad Brain, or other maladies that have left them a potential danger to friends and loved ones a place to live out their days in as much peace as possible (all while allowing the medical students to study these conditions in more controlled environments). The less dangerous residents are allowed to freely roam and explore the grounds, engage in enrichment activities or otherwise live comfortably away from the stresses of Bailey life.   On average, there are only about fifty or so residents at any one time along with a hundred or so staff, doctors and administrators to keep the place going. The organization is kept funded by Bailey edict and private donations which are generally kept confidential. Some of the richest and most powerful families in the Bailey are rumored to have enrolled in the program and live their lives behind the privately gated walls.  
Founding Date
111 DC
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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