Milites Servientes Dominae de Lourdes

Created in 112DC, the Milites Servientes Dominae de Lourdes is a Second Chance order of the Cult of the Fallow Hopes, this secluded and fortified monastery is home to those the Inquisition deems "redeemable".


Salvation and Rehabilitation:

The core mission of the Order is to provide a haven for those who have strayed from the path of righteousness, particularly former members of the Templarus Immortum. The focus is on redemption and rehabilitation, helping individuals overcome their past and forge a new, virtuous future.

A Second Chance in the Fallow Hopes:

Many who find themselves to be former Templarus Immortum have been forced into a life of hardship and survival, often resorting to questionable actions. The Milites Servientes Dominae de Lourdes does not view these individuals as irredeemable, but as victims of circumstance who deserve a Second Chance.

Reforming Witch Hunters:

Recognizing the damage done by the Templarus Immortum, the Order actively seeks out those who have stayed with their role and the old ways. Through rehabilitation programs, they aim to transform these former hunters into protectors of the weak, steering them away from blind fanaticism and toward a more compassionate perspective.

Building a New Society:

The Order envisions a society in which the values of chivalry, compassion, and justice prevail. Members are trained not only in combat, but also in diplomacy, leadership, and community building. The ultimate goal is to help establish a just and harmonious society.

Preventing Witch Hunts:

The Milites Servientes Dominae de Lourdes actively works to prevent witch hunts by educating their members and the communities they interact with. They seek to dispel superstition and replace fear of Psions with understanding, promoting a world where Psionics is not immediately equated with evil.

Guiding Lost Souls:

The Order sees itself as a guiding light for those lost in the darkness of the world. Through example and mentorship, they aim to inspire others to choose the path of redemption and righteousness, fostering a sense of Hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

Finding One's New Self:

Members of the Order adopt new name at the start of their penitent journey. This new identity symbolizes a willingness to confront one's own betrayals and seek forgiveness. The name serves as a constant reminder of the path left behind. Once members have made the Journey and passed the Ordeals, they may choose to return to their given names.      
Additional Members

Spes Nostra

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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