Emissaries of Ascension


According to Legend, the Emissaries of Ascension emerged from the Fall in an unscathed marble dome, each blessed with divine knowledge of a Faith and the will to spread it across the wastes. (According to their legend, that is.) What is undeniably true is that the great marble structure is incredibly sturdy (though 'unscathed' may be pushing it) and remains to this day an almost preternaturally white against all weather conditions and phenomena. (with the help of regular maintenance and cleaning, as strange as it might be to the rest of the wastes to think to 'clean a building')

Regardless, the Emissaries of Ascension do seem to be uniquely skilled among their kind in both bringing Faith to the masses as well as delivering its portents and blessings to the Faithful. It would be hard to deny the divinity of their truth were it not for so many of them directly contradicting each other on what counts as divine and what qualities that divinity has. As is, they are undeniably charismatic and motivational as adherents of their Faith, and as a result regularly find themselves in positions of trusted leadership, whatever that means to the Faith.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Emissaries of Ascension vary from their Wasteland cousins in that their mutations and Ascensions do not come scattered across time and their bodies, but instead begins to emerge as they reach adulthood and grows in prominence over time. Forming one distinct Divine Gift that changes only in magnitude over time, some Emissaries grow (nonfunctional, but beautiful) angelic feathered wings that increase in size and majesty, others additional ears to better hear and comprehend the music of creation until there is room for naught else, or other varying manifestations of their Faith and their relationship to it. Some Emissaries have even been rumored to learn how to direct and wield their Divine Gifts as readily as their skills and equipment.

Emissaries tend to wear spartan, ascetic clothing that augments and accentuates their Divine Gifts where possible. After all, how could one improve upon the Divine?


Shephard of the Flock
    • You may take 10 Points (1.0 Level) of Exhaustion to extend the benefits of any Faithful Anomaly Skill or Benediction to one additional Target within arms reach of a primary Target. The additional Target must follow the same restrictions and/or costs that the Faithful Anamoly Skill or Benediction require (if the Skill/Benedition requires the initial Target to be Inducted into the same Faith and/or spend 1 Resolve then the additional Target must be Inducted into the same Faith and/or spend 1 Resolve as well). This ability may be activated multiple times per Skill/Benediction.
    • You may take 30 Points (3.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to reduce the roleplay time required by a Faithful Anomaly Skill or Benediction by 10 minutes to a minimum of 0 (instant). This ability may be activated multiple times during the same roleplay period.
    • You may take 50 Points (5.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to call "Line of Sight, Interfere" against a Target that is Inducted into the same Faith as you.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage


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