Luckheed Industries

Operating out of a fortified headquarters only a scant few walkable miles from Ellistown Landing, Luckheed Industries is one of the Merican Spanse's most prolific purveyors of capabilities in the departments of death, destruction and mayhem. Responsible by proxy for more suffering than any Pontifex shy of the Soulless Pharaoh themselves, Luckheed Industries weapons have found their way into every brush conflict and border war from the Rust Empire to the Rum Coast, filling the hands of pirates, mercenaries, warlords, and anyone with two or more coins to clink together and a need for state of the art violence.

Luckheed itself claims no political allegiance or ideals, and has a long and bloody history of making a fortune building the empires of petty dictators only to make another picking up the collected funding of various militia and guerilla groups selling the guns that will bring about glorious revolution and regime change. As long as that next regime will need their weapons and technology, Luckheed is happy.

Despite being primely posed to do so, Luckheed's Board of Directors has staunchly refused so far to enter into the private military or direct mercenary contract business. While Luckheed itself employs no small number of highly trained trouble-shooters, these primarily serve as executive protection and asset recovery teams rather than a true military force. Still, the firepower Luckheed can bring to bear against any adversary has kept them safely afloat even through the occasional unfriendly administration.

The most prominent interaction citizens of the Bailey have with Luckheed Industries is either first (or, more rarely survived, second) hand experience with their weaponry and equipment, which has proliferated into the hands of most paid fighters in the region at one point or another, or in the incidental exposure to one of Luckheed's many tests, the results of the company's constant innovations in new forms of violent dismemberment.

Forging the Future!

Corporation, Manufacturing
Organization Vehicles

Mutually-Beneficial Arrangement

Luckheed is one of the largest customers of Last Hope's R&D and Products, and one of the largets suppliers Last Hope has of Customers in other areas!

Regular Work Buddies

The Advent-Treers regularly find themselves in conflict with the native inhabitants of The Bailey, both Lineage and Critter alike, and as a result regularly employ Luckheed manpower and equipment.

Cautious Customers

Luckheed happily purchases what strange technology it thinks it can either divine insight from or use to effect on the battlefield, but the capricious nature of many of the products makes them reluctant to rely on such wonders.

Reluctant Clients

Luckheed provides much of the equipment (and sometimes manpower) The Harbormasters use to get the more forceful aspects of their work done, but The Harbormasters tend to find both the price and the violent, shoot-first attitude of the mercenaries as unpleasant.

Unrelated Industries

Outside a few corporate security and vehicle supply contracts, Open Vein and Luckheed don't do much business with each other.

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