Aberdeen's Proven Gun

Weapons developers at Luckheed have managed to crack a particularly difficult nut: converting a manually-operated firearm to automatic operation. The downside? It requires ammunition produced to a very precise tolerance, which at the moment, only Luckheed can produce... This little logistical hiccup has slowed the adoption of this revolutionary weapons platform more than its cumbrous size and crew-operated disposition might have already.


Item Type: Gizmo

Keywords: Gizmo, Luckheed

Skills Required to Use: Projectile

Expiration: 6 Months

Item Details/Special Rules: Requires Approved Phys Rep

Proficient Mechanics: Requires a PhysRep no smaller than 42" in its longest fully deployed dimension, with the ability to support itself free-standing if left aground (such as with a bipod or other stabilizing implement).   Requires Proficient Projectile and Basic Artisan to deploy or undeploy. Deploying this Gizmo takes 30 seconds of Full Engagement Roleplay and requires the assistance of one other Participant that possesses at least Basic Projectile. During deployment, you must choose a direction to serve as the 'facing' of the Deployed Gizmo. Once Deployed, the Gizmo may only point or make Ranged Attacks at Targets within 45 degrees of that facing (for a total of a 90 degree arc).   Once Deployed, the Gizmo is Immobile until it is Undeployed, which requires you to spend 10 seconds of Full Engagement Roleplay with one additional Participant that has at least Basic Projectile.   Once Deployed, while at least one additional Participant with at least Basic Projectile is within arms reach of the phys rep and has at least one (mechanically) free hand, this Gizmo can be used to make Ranged Attacks as if it were a Two Handed Firearm with the below mechanics:

  • 5 Damage.
  • You can ignore your reload time with this weapon.

Crafting Requirements:

Skills Required to Craft: Proficient Artisan

Craftable Items:

  • Proficient: Aberdeen's Proven Gun

Basic Scrap
Uncommon Scrap
Rare Scrap
Hard Metal
Chromium Metal
Well-Crafted Mechanical Gear System

Blueprint Copying Requirements: Proficient Educated, 2 Basic Herb, 20 Mind, and 30 Minutes

Item type
Weapon, Ranged

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