Library of Dominus Columbia Local Branch - Print Archive


The Library of Dominus Columbia maintains a robust network of regional branches, as well as well-stocked archives of all manner of blueprints and reference documents. These archives are open to Citizens of the Bailey who may, for a small fee to upkeep the facilities and pay the various librarians and archivists, borrow any Blueprint in the Archive for the length of their project.

(One may be wondering, with such easy access to Blueprints and no real structure for fines or late fees, why people do not regularly simply fail to return the materials and stock up their own supply or those of friends. The answer can be found two sections down in Legal, where one can take a look at the plethora of punishments Dominus Columbia is prepared to levy on even her Citizens for crimes like Theft of Government Property.)

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Characters that have Society Membership: Citizen of Dominus Columbia may, if they include in the Active Roleplay of their Crafting Process the steps of physically moving to the Print Archive, retrieving a 'phantom' print, and returning it to the archive immediately after they retrieve their item card from Public Works (or otherwise resolve their use of the print), instead pay 1 Shell at Public Works if crafting (or 5 Shells if copying the blueprint instead of crafting an item) in place of presenting the actual Blueprint. This ability functions for any Non-Local Culinary or Artisan Crafting Blueprint that does not require a Society Membership to craft or copy.


PFA: Overlord

Characters that have Society Membership: Citizen of Dominus Columbia AND Overlord may borrow prints that have a Society Membership requirement, provided they have the appropriate Society Membership

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