Unionist Red Stars


Originating in the Apaloosa Expanse, this Red Star diaspora has trickled down into the Dee Cee region like a mountain stream, bringing their unique culture and practices with them. Rather than adopting the cell structure common among wasteland Red Stars the Unionists might be better compared to mitochondria, symbiotically benefitting systems into which they integrate. Though still given to stoicism in the presence of other strains, Unionists tend to view those with whom they share tasks to be an extension of their own people.

Unionists, as their name would imply, frequently organize themselves and others into beneficial associations. These are not always centered around a craft or trade, but many Unionists consider their own skills and expertise to be a large part of their identity. Some observers have noted animosity between the Unionist Red Stars and the Red Stars of The State Farm, their differing philosophies creating friction and suspicion. This has yet to be the cause of any open conflict, but as more Unionists settle in the region the two groups have found themselves arrayed against each other on more than one occasion.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Unionist Red Stars take great pride in the work that they and their comrades perform, work that they do not perform in silence. Most openly advertise their chosen society, whether that be a commune, a guild, collegia, or other partnership. This is often done with badges and other ensigns, but is equally likely to take the form of catchy slogans and propagandistic jingles.


We All Lift Together!
    • You may take 10 Points (1.0 Level) of Exhaustion to assist a Target that shares a Society or Company with you with a use of the Artisan skill, the Culinary skill, or Research Tasks. You may add your Skills, Professional Achievements, and Lores to theirs when determining when they are eligible to use those skills and what results they produce, and you must split the Mind cost for these skills as evenly as possible between the Target and yourself. Multiple Red Stars may activate this ability on the same Target, for the same skill or task, provided they all share a Society or Company and split the Mind cost evenly between all participants.
    • You may take 30 Points (3.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to Target an ally within arms reach that shares a Society or Company with you and call "Upsurge: X Body" where X an amount of Body damage you immediately take. This damage may not be healed for as long as the Upsurge remains in effect. You may not use this ability to drop yourself into Bleed Out.
    • You may take 50 Points (5.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to reduce the Roleplay Requirements of any ability, skill, or Benediction that Targets multiple members of your Society or Company with a beneficial effect to 0 seconds (instant).
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage
Red Stars


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