Radiotropic Retrogrades


When the scientists of J Andrews Technology Enclave began whatever blighted experiment that fouled the land there, the land was not unoccupied. Many small settlements dotted the landscape, becoming sparser as the land became marshier towards Zekiah Swamp, but no longer. The communities that did resolve to hang on went through hell. Blasted by increasing radiation, awash in toxic runoff and exposed to whatever experiments and contagions manage to break containment, the people of those blasted wastes needed to adapt to survive, as did their very biology. Now these hardy folk have grown accustomed to the glow, so much so that they have taken it into themselves. It is said among some Darwins that the Radiotropic Retrogrades are the next step of evolution, and several have attempted the transformation through massive acute exposure rather than generational adaption... and not all have failed...

Regardless of their origin of birth or dramatic metamorphosis, most Radiotropic Retrogrades find a newfound freedom in their existence, and often choose to do the kinds of work that others cannot due to their frailer physiologists. It is not uncommon to find Radiotropic Retrogrades working as laborers in hazardous fields, hunters of Big Game in the more irradiated areas of the South Bailey, or even in use as shock infantry, where debilitating radioactive weaponry can be deployed with impunity on their foes.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

These Lineages became warped and ravaged by Radiation surely, but also grew more calloused and resistant to it as their flesh withered. All Radiotropes must constantly wear makeup as if they have Stage 5 or greater Radiation Poisoning, or wear a special type of mask (see below). Eventually, mutated colonies of gut flora began to subsist off the high energy particles present in the omnipresent contamination of every bit of stable food and potable water source within the radius. As a result, many Radiotropic Retrogrades glow faintly green in dull light, as the ionizing radiation of half-life process within their metabolism pass through their flesh and guts.

The fearsome appearance this long term symbiosis has created has led to a cultural practice of mask-wearing even more extreme than their Wasteland cousins: Nearly every Radiotropic Retrograde possesses a painstakingly constructed and painted (and usually fragile, oddly enough) mask of porcelain or other fine materials. Some more eccentric Radiotropes are even known to rapidly switch between multiple masks depicting mood or expression.



Radiotropic Retrogrades always count as having the Stage 5 of Radiation Poisoning, but do not suffer any of the penalties to their maximum Body or Mind. In addition, they can never be cured of or gain higher stages of Radiation Poisoning.

  • You may take 5 Points (0.5 Levels) of Exhaustion when affected by a call that deals Radiation Damage to instead ignore that damage and heal an amount of Body equal to the numeric portion of the Radiation Damage call. "Radiotropic Response: Heal X Body"
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage


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