Posse Capittatus


All Yorkers love a sense of community and identity, and pride themselves by it as often as they can, but the wasteland leaves little time for many to truly focus on these identities to the level that the Posse Capittatus have managed in the relative safety of The Bailey. Based out of a Dominus Columbia pre-fall sports stadium the Posse Capittatus, otherwise known as "The Caps", breathe, bleed, and live their local sports team, and everything they believe it represents. They will defend their turf and family with their very lives which has given them an unspoken trust amongst many peoples of The Bailey. Because of this sense of unity and protective desire many Posse Capittatus find themselves gravitating towards serving in the Drafted Service with career ambitions and eventually find themselves in the ranks of The Old Line Division. Regardless of their career aspirations however, amongst the peoples of The Bailey, very few ever turn down the offer of having a Posse Capittatus watch their backs, even temporarily.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Wearing the leftover rags of their pre-fall sports team as a symbol of honor, many even covering their bodies in team colored makeup, Posse Capittatus Yorkers can commonly be found on the front lines defending against the hoard or raiders, using their boisterous voices to keep their friends and family safe, even at the cost of their own lives.


  • You may take 5 Points (0.5 Levels) of Exhaustion at any time to point to an Undead or Raider target and call "Line of Sight - Psionic Compulsion: Attack Me, 1 Minute!" This effect lasts until the target takes damage or is affected by another negative effect by another source other than you, or one minute has passed.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage


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