Knock Knock Natural Ones


Originating out of a large old-growth forested region between City Center and Bahlsmore known as "The Refuge," the Knock Knock tribe is, while not the largest Natural One Tribe in the region, probably the one visitors to the area find the most endearing and have the most to say about. Friendly, cheerful and polite to a degree that many rougher Wastelanders consider to be obsequious, the Knock Knock Tribe serves as the cheerful guides, sage knowledge bearers, and (if needs be) fierce defenders of The Refuge and all natural life that resides within it in harmony.

So-named due to a distinct pair of cultural habits, Knock Knocks tend to loudly announce their entrance into a room, group or conversation by predominantly knocking twice on a nearby audible surface. They feel it is polite to announce whenever one is joining in on any ongoing social affair before listening in so as to not ever leave anyone lingering unsure or unwelcome, and make it clear when certain things may be being said in confidence. In addition, each member of the Tribe carries a personal Knock Knock Joke, known only to them and those they have chosen to entrust with it. Sharing one's Knock Knock Joke is seen as an act of intimacy, and can often be the beginning of courtships between younger Knock Knocks.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Knock Knocks wear clothing that shows a respect for nature in a hollistic way, which is to say equally respectful of her bounties and dangers as what is needed to live within her simbiotically. Their clothing tends to be earth toned and undyed, made of resiliant, sustainable materials and suited for broad purpose and rugged living. Visually, they sometimes take inspiration from the images of those sentinels of nature that came before, and have a fondness for khakis and browns, large buttoned pockets, and thick socks.


I Speak For The Trees

You may sometimes hear whispered information from a mysterious source.

  • Whenever you engage Research at DR:MD in an outdoor area resplendent in natural life, you may take 5 Points (0.5 Levels) of Exhaustion to receive additional information. You do not control what this information is, but it will always be helpful.

You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.

Parent Lineage
Natural Ones


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