Chrome Blooded Diesel Jocks


The roads of the Dominus Columbia, from the lowly dirt tracks to the ruins of the ancient beltway, all belong to the Chrome Kheshigs. While many Senators are loathe to acknowledge it, the Chrome Blooded Diesel Jocks are what keep the streets open and trade flowing throughout the region. By tradition they form the vanguard of the Patrol Line, motorized zed-hunters that operate just behind the Bailey’s walls, eliminating threats that penetrate the outer defenses before they can threaten settlements. Because of this reputation Chrome Blooded also frequently find work as navigators and caravan guards guiding merchants through the hazardous approaches to the Dominus, while some enterprising Chrome Blooded have set up shop themselves hauling goods into the Bailey. If commerce is the life blood of the Dominus, then the Chrome Blooded Diesel Jocks are its immune system and arteries.

Chrome Blooded Diesel Jocks tend to be more regimented than their freewheeling wasteland cousins, a legacy of their long service in the region’s security forces. This martial culture unites the crews throughout the region into Kheshigs, part extended clan part military unit, each Kheshig identifying itself with a totemic ride of legend symbolizing its power. As part of this crews of Chrome Blooded are sometimes assigned by their elders to maintain and drive legacy vehicles of their Kheshig, ancestral rides with their own histories and spiritual significance. Many choose to make crewing these sacred machines their life’s calling, though Chrome Blooded keeping personal rides are not unheard of.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

While they have no strict dress code Chrome Blooded Diesel Jocks can always be identified by the flashes of chrome, a local resource, in their jewelry and tools. Bright yellow flashes on black leathers or other armor are common, as is displaying the coat of arms for their Kheshig; a red, white, and blue shield modeled on old world road signs and containing a symbol of their totem.


Trading Ties
    • You may take 2 Points (0.2 Levels) of Exhaustion to trade two Basic Scrap for one Basic Herb, or trade two Basic Herb for one Basic Scrap at the Public Works.
    • You may take 3 Points (0.3 Levels) of Exhaustion to trade two Uncommon Scrap for one Uncommon Herb, or trade two Uncommon Herb for one Uncommon Scrap at the Public Works.
    • You may take 4 Points (0.4 Levels) of Exhaustion to trade two Rare Scrap for one Rare Herb, or trade two Rare Herb for one Rare Scrap at the Public Works.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage
Diesel Jocks
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