SparkyTheSec0nd Progress Report

Feel free to check out my world Astraesto!


The capital planet for the Sector of Rabyia, and a cultural and historic icon of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets

2064 words

Serdican Guardian Fleet

The Oberynite Defence Force for the planet Serdica and Sector Raybia during the 1st Federation Civil War

723 words


Once the Capital of the Ameritan Sector and a centre for Galactic Trade, long since abandoned by national policking, and much of its populace

2161 words

Battle of Sela

One of the earliest major battles of the 1st Federation Civil War

1497 words

Eli Hunt

A staunch Oberynite, though respected for his military expertise, and later the personel protector to Michael Oberyn

1199 words

FNS Opportunity

1857 words

Empire of Apalareas

The union of the numerous Falchian Kingdoms, that came to dominate the Galaxy of Astraesto for several centuries

755 words

SparkyTheSec0nd Progress so far

10256 words 102.56% completed!

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"You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it"

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  • Bloon's Tower Defence
  • Latest Loved work

    Knidari - Nameless Horrors

    The College of Wizardry

    The Relentless Advancement of the Veiled Academy

    Metadimensional Space

    Naja Avanas

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