The Daily Bailey Bugle

The Daily Bailey Bugle (often shortened to just Daily Bailey by locals) is the most prominent and successful newspaper publication in Dominus Columbia. It's run by Gerold Beauregard - a gruff, mustached, annoyingly-objective and logical man who pays for info for articles and sells ad space but staunchly refuses to take sides in any political matters. He started the paper in his own community and it grew until most of the bailey read his words over morning coffee. This Swampwalker is well-known throughout the Bailey for his unbiased reporting, as well as his determination to not only obtain information for his articles but also to get the information that he collects out to the public. His reporters and paper deliverers share his dedication, often exhibiting incredible bravery in the face of dangers and obstacles as well as clear loyalty to both Beauregard and the truth. Many of them are also Swampwalkers, though this is not a requirement to work for the Daily Bailey.   The Daily Bailey is available in nearly every post office across Dominus Columbia, as well as being sold in many private establishments and by individual paper deliverers (called "buglers" by locals). Some locals pay a subscription for daily delivery to their homes and workplaces, even requesting the papers be delivered directly to their hands for an additional fee. The publication's articles include news of recent events, information about upcoming events, advertisements for local businesses and organizations, classified and personal ads from both local citizens and travelers, and entertainment such as crosswords, word searches, and puzzles.   Reporters for the Daily Bailey are eager to get the earliest scoops on stories that happen in each of the towns that they are assigned to. Many of them can be contacted through the local post offices, whether through summons for interviews or through letters filled with valuable information. No matter how they are contacted, the reporters are known to pay well for all the juicy details, although falsehoods are frowned upon and may sometimes result in blacklisting or other repercussions.
Broadcasting, Newspaper / Magazine
Alternative Names
Daily Bailey, DBB
Related Ethnicities


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