Stevedore Irons


Dominus Columbia, because of its long history of relative safety compared to a majority of the wasteland, has been a center for industrialization and trade. At the heart of industry one fact has always remained true even today, people keep the cogs turning. Without laborers to move and install the heavy machinery, load and unload massive amounts of cargo, shovel tons of coal into the scorching furnaces, and all sorts of other blue collar labor the industry would come to a ceasing halt. Because of this, Stevedore Irons have found themselves at the heart of this industry one way or another over the decades.

Unlike their wasteland cousins however, Stevedore Irons have focused much of their time and efforts in the dockyards of Dominus Columbia. Everywhere from Bahlsmore, to Anna Polis, to City Center, and every small port along the Bailey’s shores the docks can always be seen to have the heavy glowing bustle of Stevedore Irons. Forging their talents through sweat, blood, and “C Chanties” (a favored style of work song many sing on the docks) they have managed to evolve over time to specialize in moving heavy objects around safely, as the muscles in their abdomen and thighs have become far denser than the average wasteland Iron and their glow has seemingly adapted to boot.

Like their wasteland cousins, Stevedore Irons share their strong-willed beliefs and stubbornness. Their pride in their work, and the place they have made in the industry of Dominus Columbia has made it difficult for their close knit family members to spread out beyond working the docks. Because of this it’s an irregular sight to see a young Stevedore Iron leaving home to find work outside of the docks, as it’s become almost an unspoken custom and expectation to follow in the family business. But even those that set out for a different life will always be seen as an asset in running a dock by any peoples of The Bailey, for you can take the Stevedore Iron out of the docks, but you can never take the docks out of the Stevedore Iron.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Stevedore Irons typically wear clothing that is practical and comfortable for their work. This includes sturdy boots, thick pants, and a shirt that is loose enough to allow for movement. They often wear a bandana or hat to protect their heads from the sun, and they may also wear a jacket or coat in cold weather. Stevedore Irons are known for their love of the sea, so they often decorate their clothing with nautical imagery, such as waves, sails, seabirds, and anchors.

Much like the Irons they descended from, Stevedore Irons glow deep from within. Unlike their cousins, however, their glow is a deep orange, like coal in the steam boilers that drive the great ships. When a Stevedore Iron is working, the glow grows brighter. It is as if their body is fueled by the fire of their labor.


You Innately count as having 3 'Hands' for carrying capacity purposes.
  • You may take 10 Points (1.0 Level) of Exhaustion to gain 1 additional Hand of carrying capacity for 1 Minute. This ability can be activated multiple times in succession.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 exhaustion or higher.
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