Miles Emmerson Perina

NAME: Miles Emmerson Perina

A Pureblood from the Perina family out of city center, Miles is wealthy and highly intelligent man who holds traditional values close to his heart. Perina graduated top of his class from City Center University and has since amassed a vast fortune through his schrewd career in finance. He firmly believes in personal responsibility and individual liberty, and often finds himself frustrated with those who live outside the walls in the wastelands trying to gain entrance to the Bailey. Miles' influence in the world of politics and finance is significant, making him a force to be reckoned with in his community and beyond.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

You are a fraud. Your money and influence is entirely rooted in your family name rather than anything you've done on your own. You'd do anything to conceal that fact from the public. You pride yourself on being an ardent supporter of the arts - but you have no talent or eye for it. You consider yourself an outdoors-person but you don't like bugs and have only been outside the City Center a few times in your life. You present yourself as brave, but it is easy to be brave when you have guards around you and have never faced adversity. Ultimately you like to have fun but have little regard for other people. That combination has landed you in trouble a few times - but nothing your family couldn't take care of.   You're decided on a Senatorial run, so you've realized that you need to put on a big show with how, reliable, smart, tough and uncomprimising you are. You need to be in the public eye for all the right reasons.   PERSONALITY Imagine the most obnoxious idiot tech bro out there and you have a good idea as to how to play this character. You are spoiled, entitled and moneyed. You have no regard for anyone who isn't you and a special distaste for anyone not as rich and powerful as your family is. You respect little and get away with it because your family name carries you. You like to say that your family's money comes from pre-fall old money sources. You know that your family had something to do with animals back then. You like to brag about how they made their fortunes via Doggie Coins and that your many times great grandfather had his own end times bunker in the Bailey area.   You pronounce your first name as 'Mills' (even though you know that's incorrect) and delight in correcting everyone about every little thing. You know all and have oppinions about everything and are more than willing to share them with the world.


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