Grist Family Vegasians


Competition separates the fools from the cunning, the dead from the quick, and the chaff from the Grist. To the Grist family everything is a competition and the whole world is their arena. This Vegasian off-shoot has learned to revel in the heightened adrenaline of their Strain. Younger members are known to test the limits of their flight instinct with stunts, duels, and games of chicken, while more jaded members pursue high stakes gambits on the jousting field of politics and business.

Adaptable and unpredictable, these thrill-seekers always find a way to come out ahead in a deal. Always. Their passion for contest has fostered a love of games and gambling among the Grists, and if a stake or wager is made anywhere in the Dominus it’s sure money that a Grist is taking their cut. As patrons and sponsors of local sport the Grist Vegasians have a close but often volatile relationship with the Posse Capitattus Yorker tribes, alternating between friendship and rivalry with equal intensity.

Costume Requirements

Grist Family Vegasians are no less showy than their wasteland cousins, indeed Grists are known to vie with one another for the most outrageous display of fashion, but they prefer to marry form with function. You’ll rarely find a Grist wearing or carrying anything without an explicit purpose, whether it be a diaphanous gown full of hidden layers for tools and weapons, high impact haute couture armor plates, or a bedazzled machine gun with accessorized ammo.


Better Part Of Valor
  • You can gain 30 Points (3.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to redirect a single Effect you would have taken to an Ally within arm's reach that shares one of the following traits with you: Inducted Religion, Society Membership, Company.

You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.

--Parent Lineage::Vegasians
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