DR:MD Specific Calls


When a Target uses the skill Enhanced Movement (any rank of the skill), call “Chase” to follow the Target in the use of that skill. You gain the same number of steps that the Target gains while they are under the effects of their Enhanced Movement skill and you end your movement when they do. You must follow the Target to the best of your ability.

If the Target gains a Stealth effect or goes OOC (Out of Character) from their Enhanced Movement skill, you may act as though you can see them and target them with all attacks, skills, effects, items, and abilities as though they are not under a Stealth effect or OOC. If the Target is under a Stealth effect granted from their Enhanced Movement skill you do not have to use the Awareness skill in order to see them. If others wish to see the Target under a Stealth effect the Target must still be made apparent through normal means, such as with the use of the Awareness skill.

ex: A Gorehound grabs Bob, who is in Bleed-Out, and calls Basic Enhanced Movement to pull Bob out of the fight and into certain doom. Sally can't stop the Gorehound, but can call 'Chase' to take the same number of steps as the Gorehound takes towards the same destination. For these steps, Sally and the Gorehound can Target and Attack each other normally. How wise this decision may be is another matter...


'Crush' causes all non-Damage effects of a Call to affect the Target if the Strike or Ranged Attack that delivers it is blocked by a Shield or Weapon.

ex: A particularly nasty Mutated Tank swings a Strike at Bob and calls "Crush 20 - Knockback 5". Bob blocks the Strike with his Shield, which protects him from the damage, but he is still affected by the Knockback 5 (unless he decides to call Balance).

Detect: X

If you are targeted by a call of "Detect: X", where X is a condition you are under, you must immediately respond affirmatively to the person making the call in a manner that can clearly be understood (In close quarters this may take the form of a simple nod or thumbs up, while in a crowded fight it may make more sense to quickly announce 'Ping!' or 'Here!' in response to a 'By My Voice' Detect or similar). The condition specified will depend on the source, and can be anything from Diseases like Bad Brain to states like 'being armed/having weaponry on your person', or even be more abstract such as 'Detect: Altered Mental State'. If you are uncertain if a Detect Call applies to you, use you best judgement.

ex: Doctor Jim, a Seeker Tainted, thinks his patient may be infected with Bad Brain. He uses his Lineage ability, Seek the Malediction, to call "By My Voice: Detect Bad Brain" at a moderate volume. To his surprise, he hears a chorus of "Here!"s scattered from the room, as well as his patient, but he doesn't get a good look at who all spoke. Doctor Jim has his work cut out for him, it seems...


Calls with the 'Enviornmental' Keyword are the result of contamination from a hostile local enviroment, rather than being delivered by some immediate source. A call with the 'Environmental' tag can be resisted either by being actively and visibly wearing any level of Hellscape Deathmask at the time the call is made and spending 5 Mind to call 'No Effect: Deathmask", or by one of the following means:

  • Some items or effects may grant 'Environmental Protection', usually for a duration of time (such as an Upsurge), or while making use of an elaborate phyrep. Characters with 'Environmental Protection' active through some means may call 'No Effect - Resisted' to calls with the Environmental tag.
  • Some items or effects may grant one or more uses of 'Environmental Resistance'. Environmental Resistance is a single-use counter to an Environmental Call.

ex: Suzy is mucking through a particularly foul section of Zekiah Swamp, and gets exposed to bad air full of radioactive particulates. The Guide on scene calls "By My Voice, Environmental 5 Rad". Since taking the Radiation damage would also take 5 Mind, Suzy decides to instead spend 5 Mind to use the Hellscape Death Mask she is wearing to call "No Effect: Deathmask", and keep her health intact.


Calls with the 'Impose' Keyword are delivered by mysterious or non-standard means that generally cannot be easily defended against. Impose calls mechnically cound as if the Target has inflicted the effect upon themselves directly. As a result, defensive skills may not be called against them, and they count as the source of the effect for any further mechanical purposes. Resistances, Immunities, and other passive defenses still function normally.

ex: Blake decides to get a little too close to the permeter defenses of a Templars of the Radiant Dawn encampment. They are suddenly illuminated by a spotlight and, in a panic, freeze. A moment later, there is a flash of green light and the Guide calls out "Impose 5 Rad, +1 Stage Radiation Sickness". Blake, singed and feeling ill but otherwise still intact, beats a hasty retreat until he has a better idea of what he is dealing with.

Pull {X PACES}

Countered by Balance; can be countered by Avoid if delivered as a Strike or Ranged Attack. The target of a Pull effect must move forward a number of paces (as stated in the call) towards the source of the effect (minimum 1 if no number is called). The player should move around other players as necessary to accomplish this task as safely as possible. If the movement would encounter a wall, table, or other large obstacles, the pull effect ends.

ex: Jimbo is out fishing in his rowboat when a grabby tentacle comes out of the water and swipes at him! It lands a Strike and calls 'Pull 3'! Jimbo is pulled out of the tiny boat, into the water and to an ominous off-screen fate.


A Character under the Rage state must attack the closest/most convenient available Target to them to the best of their ability. They may defend themselves but will only act in self preservation when it allows them to more effectively continue to harm the Target of their Rage. This effect normally has a listed duration or conditional effect, but in instances where it does not it lasts a default of 1 Minute.

ex: Jimmy the Yorker smashes a strange, bulbous fungal Zed that was in his way and is sprayed with strange spores. The Zed calls "Area of Effect: Environmental Rage". Since Jimmy is not wearing any Deathmask physrep or other item granting Environmental Protection/Resistance, he is now under the Rage Effect. Since no duration is specified, Jimmy will spend the next minute chasing the closest attackable target (probably starting with the Zed and moving on from there) for 1 Minute, unless his friends hog-tie him and carry him off to calm down.

Special: Red Star Lineages cannot be compelled to attack other Red Stars via the Rage Effect. They will instead find the next closest non-Red Star Target.


  • A Character who takes a 'Shatter' call while they are in Bleedout becomes Shattered.

A Shattered character has a Maximum Body of 0, their bleedout timer is reduced by 4 minutes, and is unable to be stabilized. Healing effects reset the Bleed-Out timer, but the Target Character immediately re-enters Bleed-Out. Shattered characters can be restored with either a specific Medical Procedure, or by the application of Master Faithful Miracles.

ex: Ned is smashed to the ground by a gigantic Tank! Ned is already in Bleedout from having been beat to a pulp when the Tank slams its meaty fists down one last time on Ned and calls "Shatter!" Ned, in Bleedout and unable to resist, becomes Shattered. Without hasty medical intervention and advanced care, his pulped organs will rapidly lead to his demise!


A character affected by "Slow" may move at no more than one pace/step every one second.

ex: Jim is struck with a packet of spittle from some strange Swamp Zed with a call of "Slow - 10 Seconds". Jim does not negate the attack with a skill, so for the next 10 seconds, Jim must move at no greater than one pace per second for 10 seconds (if no duration had been called, the default is also 10 seconds, as in other areas of DR).

Dragged to Hell

A cinematic Death caused by Phantoms on Characters that does not leave a body behind. The Character must be Subdued in order for the Phantom to succeed at the call "Dragged to Hell." This Death does not count as a Killing Blow or a Murder.

ex: Billy is struck with enough Mangle effects by a Phantom to make a potato jealous, and is now utterly helpless with all of his limbs broken. The Phantom Billy was fighting grabs him and drags him towards a fire pit. As Billy screams for help, no one is able to come to his aid in time before the Phantom motions to toss Billy into the fire pit and calls "Dragged to Hell." Because Billy is Subdued the call works on him and Billy's body disappears. The player playing Billy goes OOC and reports to OPs.


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