DR:MD Errata and Rules

At Dystopia Rising Maryland we have a list of Errata, Rules, and Interpretations to existing documentation that at times can be interpreted or understood differently from chapter to chapter. To make this as simple as possible we work with other local chapters to come to as much agreement as we can in keeping these topics as uniform as possible. Below will be listed different scenarios, effects, abilities, skills, items, so on, and how we rule them at Dystopia Rising Maryland.

This list will be updated as topics are discussed and ruled amongst our Local Staff.


Civilized CvC without a Guide

If CvC was initiated with no Guide present (consent still needed), resulting in a Character entering bleedout, that Character will stabilize at the end of their Bleed Out timer (this will not count for removing effects that have modified the Bleed Out timer, it's just meant to have fun moments if players desire). Sparring for 0 damage is always fine if both players consent.


Fractures from Multiple Resolve Loss

Any effect that causes the loss of multiple Resolve can only result in the gaining of one Fracture in the event the Target Character would be reduced to or below 0 Resolve. Multiple effects that cause a Character to repeatedly reach 0 Resolve will each result in gaining a fracture.


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