Dominus Columbia Civic Service - Community Culinary Area

Area Affected

The work area represented


With access to robust, reliable supply lines and exotic trade for ingredients from all over The Merican Spanse, The Bailey boasts some of the finest dining to be had for the common resident nearly anywhere. While the roadside taverns and city cafes don't rival the quality of a Pureblood's finest State Dinner, the access to flavor and variety is nevertheless impressive.


Characters with Society Membership: Citizen of Dominus Columbia may make use of the crafting area and consider themselves to have access to the following items (at Master level) while performing Culinary Production (They may not combine these in any ways not normally allowed by crafting rules, but are considered to have any of them on hand):

  • Glitter Gulch Prep Station
  • Greenlight Frying Pan (Any Lineage)

Non-Citizens may purchase a pass for access to all Civic Services for the duration of the Trade Meet for 5 Shells at Public Works.

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